Monday, March 9, 2020

5 Daily Choices That Will Change Your Life, According To a Navy SEAL

5 Daily Choices That Will Change Your Life, According To a Navy SEAL When you find yourself stuck in a rut and feel the need to shake things up, a little bit of discipline can go a long way. No one knows that better than former Navy SEAL commander Jocko Willink, who translated lessons from his regimented military training into best-selling self-help books geared toward individuals seeking ways to structure their lives and increase their own efficiency. In a 2017 interview with Willink has a bit of bad berichterstattung for those of us who love to stay up late and spend the morning hitting the Snooze button waking up early results in higher productivity. Willink discovered during his SEAL training that getting out of bed at 430am prior to his bunkmates allowed him to get a head start on everyone else thats still sleeping and get productive time doing things I needed to do. He also emphasized that waking up early shouldnt result in a lack of sleep, encouraging anyone following his advi ce to adopt an earlier bedtime instead.2. Getting your exercise gear prepared the night before makes it easier to get moving in the A.M.If youre not a natural morning person, adopting an A.M. fitness routine isnt an easy task. However, Willink insists that starting your day with some form of physical exercise gets your blood flowing and gets your mind in the game. To avoid putting off your workout, Willink urges you to tischset your gear out before you go to bed, so itll be ready and waiting when you wake up.3. Put together your daily to-do list the night before rather than waiting until morning.Another way to dodge the pitfalls of procrastination involves making a to-do list for the next day before bedtime instead of waiting until morning. Willink insists that this tactic will give you a clear-sighted view of your goals and will allow you to formulate tomorrows plans in an organized manner. Dont think in the morning. Thats a big mistake that people make. They wake up in the morning and they start thinking. Dont think. Just execute the plan. The plan is the alarm clock goes off, you get up, you go work out. Get some, Willink told Business Insider.4. Power naps can give you valuable boosts of energy when you need them most.Willink acknowledges that changing your sleep schedule to a go-to-bed-early-and-wake-up-early pattern can cause exhaustion throughout the day, especially if youre not used to it yet. If you suddenly find yourself feeling sleepy in the afternoon, Willink recommends a quick 6-8 minute power nap to help you recharge. If possible, try elevating your legs above your head to reduce swelling in the feet and ankles often caused by sitting at a desk for prolonged periods of time.5. Free food at work may seem like a great perk, but it doesnt always work to your advantage.A complimentary spread of morning bagels or lunchtime mafiatorte often puts office workers in a good mood, but Willink warns that these edible gifts can sabotage a healthy eating plan. He encourages keeping your distance from office junk food and instead reaching for a nutritious snack if you feel peckish during the work day.

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